Balencio is the human capital management platform, developed in collaboration with the scientific support of UCLouvain!
Make the right HR decisions with a better understanding of your employees.
Balencio offers more than 14 ready-to-use modules to make targeted and impactful decisions on all your HR challenges (retention, engagement, wellbeing@work, psychosocial risks…) through a scientific analysis of employee feedback.
Presented solution
- Fully innovative and scientifically validated modules allow you to assess your organization's human capital, implement targeted actions, and ensure follow-up.
- Immediately after the analysis, the employee receives a personal report with initial advice on their situation.
- After the analysis, HR receives a 360° mapping: through a single dashboard, you get an overview of all the risks and opportunities related to the daily management of your employees' experience and well-being.
Latest News
What sets Balencio apart are the rigorous scientific models that validate the analyses provided by the platform, as well as our ability to deliver personalized action plans based on the results of these analyses.
Manage your action plans with one click and benefit from artificial intelligence in analyzing the content provided by your employees.
Bert Van Rompaey
Bert heef 20 jaar ervaring op het gebied van HR en verandertrajecten, waarvan 14 jaar als lid van Executive Committees in grote organisaties, voornamelijk in de bank- en luchtvaartsector. Bert werkte met en in verschillende culturen (Belgisch, Nederlands, Frans, Duits) en was succesvol in het realiseren van diepgaande & pragmatische veranderingen in die verschillende omgevingen. Het laatste jaar werkte hij voor kleinere bedrijven (bv. de fusie van 4 organisaties met in totaal 150 FTE's, strategie-implementatieproject in een IT-bedrijf van ~1000 FTE's, ...).
Focus: Strategische HR, reorganisaties & herstructureringen, fusies & overnames, sociale relaties, reward, strategische scenarioplanning, prestatiecultuur, personeelskosten & HR-gegevens.
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