Kris De Schutter

Kris De Schutter is partner in and chairman of the Employment & Benefits practice group in Belgium. He has over 20 years all-round experience in collective and individual employment law, with a particular focus on transformation, especially from a holistic view linked to alternative (flexible) remuneration, restructurings and change processes.

He regularly assists and represents multinational companies with downsizing (including collective dismissals and closure). In this respect, Kris often represents employers in union negotiations. He was involved in many restructurings in transformation schemes to avoid bankruptcy or to ensure profitability. Provide the right solution for his clients is Kris' goal. Whenever dealing with a business issue he seeks for a pragmatic solution that helps one taking the hurdle. For that reason, his clients praise him.

In relation to incentive schemes, Kris a.o. assist clients by implementing employee flexible reward plans (being a trendsetter and having changed employment law in this respect) and in relation to the implementation of all kind of incentive schemes and share (option) plans, he has in depth experience in remuneration schemes in the financial, insurance and fund sector.

Assisting clients on recruitment and dismissals of top managers, in a national and international context, is Kris’ third key focus area.

Kris regularly speaks at conferences, such as Vlerick Business School, and is an author of several articles and opinions in newspapers on dismissals, restructurings, remuneration and flexible reward plans, strikes and other employment law topics.

Clients praise Kris’ unparalleled experience and level of services. One says: "Kris De Schutter is super pragmatic and answers questions in a very clear way that is adapted to the person receiving the message.“ Kris is ranked Band 2 in Chambers Europe and as a Leading Individual by Legal500.

: Employment conditions, restructuring & insolvency